This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.
Cocoon Main Site - Live Site Template

Apache » Cocoon »

  Apache Cocoon

Apache Cocoon

Live Site Template


Date added: <yyyy-mm-dd to avoid any misunderstandings in date format>

Short summary comes here

URL: http://urlOfSite <clickable link>
Contact: <spam-prone email here>

Additional information

Note: Note to committer: please remove any unanswered questions. And this note of course. ;-)
How much time did it take to build the site from design to publication?

<answer here>

How many people were involved in the project?

<answer here>

How much traffic does this site handle?

<answer here>

What made you choose Cocoon to build the site?

<answer here>

What other information do you want to disclose (e.g. how does it work, how did you build it, what parts of Cocoon did you use)?

<answer here>