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  Apache Cocoon

Apache Cocoon


These are products that use Apache Cocoon:


Ametys is a java-based open source web content management system. Its features include in a unified platform through an easy-to-use and intuitive interface for beginners :

  • Web-based administration,
  • Microsoft Word-like interface,
  • Multi-tab authoring tool,
  • Content versioning,
  • WAI standards,
  • Open social gadgets,
  • Powerful plugins : UGC, maps, newsletters, online survey
  • and much more...

Apache Lenya

Apache Lenya is an Open Source Java/XML Content Management System and comes with revision control, site management, scheduling, search, WYSIWYG editors, and workflow.

Daisy CMS

Daisy is a content management system that offers rich out-of-the-box functionality combined with solid foundations for extensibility and integration. Daisy consists of two main components:

  • a stand-alone repository server accessible through HTTP/XML (using the REST style of WebServices) and/or a high-level (remote) Java API, and
  • an extensive editing and publishing front-end web application running inside Apache Cocoon.
Due to its genericity and flexibility, Daisy can be used for many different purposes, but is ideally suited for information-rich, structured content and asset management applications. Even for advanced content management applications, Daisy can be used and configured without any Java-coding skills: Daisy offers a Javascript/Cocoon-based extension framework.Daisy is licensed under the open source, business-friendly Apache License 2.0

Hippo CMS

Hippo CMS 6.0 is an open source information centered content management system. It's targeted at medium to large organisations managing content for multi-channel distribution like web sites and intranets. It facilitates an open and flexible way of using your information by following international accepted open standards .

Hippo CMS is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Hippo Cocoon Toolkit

The Hippo Cocoon Toolkit provides an alternative, Cocoon 3.0 based, toolkit for building front-end web sites while relying upon Hippo 7.x CMS and Repository.

Hippo Cocoon Toolkit is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


Mindquarry is an Open Source collaborative software platform for file sharing (documents, images, media files, etc.), task and project management, team collaboration and Wiki editing that meshes simplicity and functionality. As a result, knowledge workers are able to connect with team members and share information from wherever they are, effectively improving team-work and increasing productivity within the company.

Mindquarry is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.