News archive
- Apache Cocoon 3.0.0-alpha-1 Released
- The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the release of Cocoon 3.0.0-alpha-1. Apache Cocoon 3 is a major rewrite of Cocoon 2.2. Like Cocoon 2 it is based around the concept of pipelines and sitemaps and it is very similar to Cocoon 2.2 in many respects but is slimmed down and designed to be *easily usable from within any Java environment*. [more]
- submitted by Reinhard Pötz, 01/24/09 12:53:55 GMT
- Apache Cocoon 3
- Corona was accepted by the Cocoon PMC to become Apache Cocoon 3. The Cocoon 3 website has more details. A first ALPHA release will follow soon. [more]
- submitted by Reinhard Pötz, 8/14/08 7:23:55 AM
- Apache Cocoon 2.2.0 Released
- The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the release of Cocoon 2.2.0. Apache Cocoon is a Spring-based framework (since version 2.2 of Cocoon) built around the concepts of separation of concerns and component-based development. Cocoon implements these concepts... [more]
- submitted by Reinhard Pötz, 5/15/08 5:19:52 AM
- Apache Cocoon 2.1.11 Released
- The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the new release of Apache Cocoon. Apache Cocoon is a web development framework built around the concept of separation of concerns (that is: allowing people to do their job without having to step on each other... [more]
- submitted by Grzegorz Kossakowski, 1/9/08 6:57:35 PM
- Apache Cocoon 2.2-RC2 Released
- The Apache Cocoon Community is proud to announce the second release candidate of Cocoon 2.2. Apache Cocoon is a Spring-based framework (since version 2.2) built around the concepts of separation of concerns and component-based development. Cocoon implements these c... [more]
- submitted by Reinhard Pötz, 10/29/07 7:23:01 AM
- Cocoon GetTogether 2007 in Rome
- After being three times in Gent, twice in Amsterdam the this year Cocoon GetTogether edition took place iin Rome from Oct 3rd to 5th. Again it was a great event that started with a two days Hackathon followed by a conference day. Most of the presentations are available at our Wiki. A few folks ... [more]
- submitted by Reinhard Pötz, 10/11/07 8:06:43 AM
- Relaunch of
- We are pleased to announce the publishing of the new website of Apache Cocoon. This relaunch comprises a new design for the main site and the Cocoon 2.2 documentation. The new documentation reflects the new structure of Cocoon 2.2 with a small core which is based on the subprojects "Cocoon Conf... [more]
- submitted by Reinhard Pötz, 10/2/07 8:01:22 AM
- [Cocoon GetTogether 2007 - Rome] The program is out!
- The CocoonGT team is pleased to announce the conference schedule has been finalized and is available at As usual, we had a great number of high-quality submissions. In keeping with the tradition of having a conference day packed full with great content, we m... [more]
- submitted by Reinhard Pötz, 9/28/07 2:20:11 PM