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Cocoon Main Site - How to mount the Cocoon 2.2 projects in Eclipse

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Apache Cocoon

How to mount the Cocoon 2.2 projects in Eclipse

After following the Working with Cocoon 2.2 from trunk page you can mount the projects in Eclipse.

From the directory where you installed Cocoon trunk, we refer to it as /trunk, run

mvn eclipse:clean 

first to remove any left over eclipse files. Then run

mvn -P allblocks eclipse:eclipse

This creates classpath and .project files for each module.

Next start Eclipse and make sure you haven't got trunk mounted as a project already. Also remove .classpath and .project files possibly remaining in /trunk from a previous project mount. Do File-Import->Existing projects into workspace, then point to your /trunk directory and it should detect the newly created blocks as projects.

Note: Note that you need to declare the M2_REPO classpath variable in your workspace, it should point to your local m2 repository. The Maven eclipse plugin offers a goal for this purpose: mvn eclipse:add-maven-repo -Dworkspace=[path-to-your-local-maven-repo]

You can also get Eclipse to download the sources of dependent libraries and attach them to the jars in Eclipse :

$ mvn -DdownloadSources=true eclipse:eclipse

For further information about the Maven Eclipse plugin visit