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Cocoon Forms Block Implementation - Group/Struct widget

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  Cocoon Forms

Cocoon Forms 1.0

Group/Struct widget


A group widget is simply a container for a number of other widgets. This can be useful to:

The group widget was previously called struct.


<fd:group id="..." state="...">
    <fd:attribute name="..." value="..."/>    


A group widget is inserted in a template using the ft:group tag. The content of the ft:group widget is the template for the children of the group widget, thus should contain the template tags for these child widgets.
<ft:group id="...">


For a definition like this:
<fd:group id="mygroup">
    <fd:field id="field1"/>
    <fd:field id="field2"/>

The template could look like this:

<ft:group id="mygroup">
  <ft:widget id="field1"/>
  <ft:widget id="field2"/>

Styling (default HTML XSL)


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